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Servers | Tygem | Tygem mystery! 9-dan who has 51-0 score!

2009-08-30 Expert: Alexander Dinerchtein Rate: (5)  4 ratings

Tygem mystery! 9-dan who has 51-0 score!

외톨이 (can be translated as "alone") is new mystery player of Tygem
He started as 5-dan, won 20 games straight and got 2 ranks promotion. He did 20-0 as 7-dan too and was directly promoted to 9-dan. And he is still undefeated! Even after playing top 9-dans!

Ranking points: 36672
Last 20 Games: 20 wins and 0 losses, of course.
Record as 9d: 11 wins and 0 losses.

It seems that he is Lee Sedol, 9-dan. The style is similar, and it's true that Lee is "alone", after he stopped playing in professional tournaments.


2009-09-02 08:09
About Lee Sedol:
2009-08-31 08:08
why did he stop playing tournaments?

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