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Servers | Tygem | Suh Ning-Uk 9p takes on the newcomer: joonki 9d vs. makejoking 9d



2009-01-21 Expert: sol.ch Rate: (5)  3 ratings

Suh Ning-Uk 9p takes on the newcomer: joonki 9d vs. makejoking 9d

Suh Ning-Uk is a relatively unknown pro to most Westerners, but on Tygem he is very popular.  He has played over 11,000 games (7,012 wins and 4,102 losses at the time of this writing), gives many free webcam lectures, and is unofficially ranked #1 on the server with an RP of 42,723 (that's about 8,000 points past the RP gap between 8d and 9d!).  If you see his profile, you will see that many adoring fans have posted on his board. 

Recently he has been doing very well, winning 16 of his last 20 games (which would be enough to upgrade him to 10d if it existed).  Here is a game between Suh Ning-Uk and makejoking, a "fresh" Chinese 9d with 99 wins and 36 losses and only recently promoted to 9d.  Can this newcomer take on the veteran, despite betting predictions that showed observers in favor of joonki 75%-25% by 80 moves in (and 68%-32% 50 moves in)?

Time settings were "casual" with 30s byoyomi.


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