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Servers | Wbaduk | Dragosh Bajenaru on Cyberoro


2009-09-20 Expert: Alexander Dinerchtein Rate: (3.4)  6 ratings

Dragosh Bajenaru on Cyberoro

Doraneko on Cyberoro is Dragosh Bajenaru, 6-dan (Romania). We know him as toxxicu on KGS, but recently he is not active.
He plays on Cyberoro more often and is very close to 8-dan. Any way, it seems that Oro losses his appeal to european players. A few months ago it was possible to see there Catalin Taranu, Pop, Burzo, Ilya Shikshin, Mero Csaba or Pal Balogh. Now they play on Oro rarely.
About the game: Korean opponent of Dragosh was not strong and lost the game in early fuseki. Biggest mistakes are Black 17 and 39.


2009-10-20 02:10
I don't know about the strong players, but the account creation process doesn't work. So new players can not join easily.
5d ( KR ) 2009-10-14 01:10
strong... :P

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