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Servers | Dragongoserver | Weak group makes you weak

2009-05-20 Expert: Robert M Gogo Rate: (5)  1 ratings

Weak group makes you weak

Did Igor Popov (Supermove) played a supermove to win? Like the cut 43 Bk15 when he created a weak group to his opponent? Well he created a huge influence (situation after move 39) and he used it well. Enjoy!

Update. Oops!: read also the comments below.
             Was it a good idea for white to approach the influence with 40 j15?

Source:  http://www.dragongoserver.net,  game 483336


2009-05-24 10:05
Now we have both Igor and Alexander Popov on DGS.
They are in best 5 in Moscow!
Robert M Gogo
( US ) 2009-05-21 09:05
I think I know. It was supermove's first game on that server and he forgot to mark dead stones.
Robert M Gogo
( US ) 2009-05-21 08:05
You just discovered a sensation! The influence didn't make up for the territory loss from the fuseki after all. Indeed W wins by 2.5 but the game is recorded as above. I wonder how that happened - they meticulously filled all the dames :)
1d 2009-05-21 07:05
actually, doesn't W win by 2.5?...

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