Sensation: Lee Sedol lost the final match of the Tonyang cup!
Daxiang, 9-dan(P) from China is the new winner of the Tonyang cup!
He crushed 외톨이 (Lee Sedol,9p) in the final match with the 2-1 score
I am sorry, but I don't know the real name of daxiang. All that I can find on Korean websites:
daxiang(P)은 중국바둑리그에도
출전하는 초고수로 알려져 있다. 나이도 어린 편이며 세계대회에서는 아직 강미를 나타낸 적은 없지만 장차를 기대할 수 있는
고수이다. 한국의 호프 강동윤과 더불어 미래바둑계를 양분할 정도의 강타자라고나 할까? 신세대답게 속기에 강하고 다대국을 즐겨하는
daxiang(P) is a very strong Chinese professional, he also plays in Chinese League. He is young, so he did not show good results yet in world championships. But we can compare him with Kang Donyun, 9p from Korea - both of them will be very famous in future! Also, daxiang is very good at blitz.
Who is the main Chinese hope? Gu Lingui, 5p probably? He is young, he is super-strong (fights with Gu Li, 9p currently in Chinese Mingren titlematch). Also, Gu Lingui never showed any impressive results in international tournaments.
But maybe there are other candidates.
I will show you all 3 games of the final match.
Here is the first one.