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Servers | Dragongoserver | 7-kyu almost beat 1-kyu player in even game!

2009-02-23 Expert: Alexander Dinerchtein Rate: (5)  2 ratings

7-kyu almost beat 1-kyu player in even game!

Dragon games are much different from real life games.

You can use additional Go board for checking variations, books, databases ...

It's not an unusual thing on Dragon, when lot of ranks weaker player beat someone

who is much higher in rank.

Just try to play slowly and seriously and you can do it too!


Here is an example. 7-kyu almost beat 1-kyu player in even game!

This game is from the Russian Igozavr cup (preliminary stage).

Review: Alexander Dinerchtein (in Russian)

Game commentary is sponsored by Alexander Golovaty, the winner of the Igozavr cup.


2d ( AU ) 2009-02-24 02:02
It's nothing that surprised, in our forum tournament last year, there were 2 even games which one between 2k and 3dan and one between 1k and 4dan (and they were on KGS!). In both games, the kyu players defeated the stronger ones.
20k 2009-02-23 11:02

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