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Servers | KGS | BloodArena vs Artem: A lesson on the importance of life and death

2009-06-24 Expert: GabrielB Rate: (5)  3 ratings

BloodArena vs Artem: A lesson on the importance of life and death

Today i have a game between a favourite (artem) and a blood thirsty player. Blood arena is relatively new in kgs, and he lives up to his nickname : his games very often include semeais, intense fights and many dead stones.

In this game, the fuseki favours white greatly, proving that blood arenas skill comes later in the middle game. After a smart sequence from black in the bottom left corner, white finds an excelent move (F1) that starts a ko for the group and also captures 4 stones. White confident on his lead lets the group live in exchange for safety.

After continuing building the center, black invades and white makes a big mistake in center, cuting where he couldnt as there was a ladder. After it ,black made a very daring invasion on top that resulted in a very big loss for white, losing half a group and getting very weak on the outside.

Even later, black played a simple sente move against the corner in upper right, and w defended hastily and incorrectly, and a living group perished. It seems that the correct move to defend is not T15, but the empty triangle at S14.


2009-06-24 08:06
It seems that Artem missed ladder in the center. His cut at 106 was wrong

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